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Trade Marks
Industrial Designs
Frequently Asked Questions
Trade Marks
China Trademark protection rights could only be obtained after the trademark is officially registered with Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China.
Hong Kong Trademark Under the Trade Marks Ordinance (Amendment 2000) which was introduced in 2003, the process of registering a trademark in Hong Kong could now be completed in 8 months.
Community Trademark A Community Trademark Registration covers all 25 member counties of the European Community. If you are considering registering your mark in three Enropean countries, you should consider the Community Trademark.
Trademark Classes For the purpose of trademark registration, all products and services and categorised into 45 classes. A trademark could be registered in one or more classes.

Trade Marks

Trade mark protection is the key to securing the brands and images that distinguish a company from its competitors. Kaizen's team of highly qualified trade marks attorneys has the experience to help our clients successfully protect their brand and image.

We offer a comprehensive range of trade mark services including:

advice on brand creation and meeting trade mark registration requirements in Australia and overseas
filing of trade mark applications locally and internationally, including via the Madrid Protocol
prosecution of trade mark applications, including appearance at hearings
defending actions for trade mark removal
acting in opposition proceedings
trade mark searching and watching services.


Registered designs protect the industrial designs that drive companies in the knowledge economy. Spruson&Ferguson's team of highly qualified patent attorneys and lawyers have the experience to help our clients successfully protect their designs.

We offer a comprehensive range of registered design services including:

filing registered design applications in Australia and overseas
all aspects of prosecution of designs applications
advice in relation to infringement
design watches, novelty and infringement searches.


Patents are a vital way to safeguard innovation - protection that gives businesses a real competitive edge. Kaizen's team of highly qualified patent attorneys has the experience and expertise to help our clients successfully protect these innovations.

We offer a comprehensive range of patent services across all technology areas including:

drafting patent specifications for Australian and international jurisdictions
filing provisional, innovation and complete applications, including Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications
prosecution of applications and appearance at hearings
defending and opposing patents in opposition proceedings
advice in relation to the infringement and validity of patents
patent searching
patent watching
patent renewals.


Copyright is an important aspect of intellectual property protection.
Kaizen's team of highly qualified patent and trade mark attorneys and lawyers have the experience to help our clients successfully protect their ideas.

We offer a comprehensive range of services for these matters including:

advice on copyright ownership and infringement
enforcement of copyright
advice in relation to infringement
company and business names.

Hong Kong Head Office              Room 803, Futura Plaza, 111 How Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Hong Kong
                                                 TEL +852 2341 1444      FAX +852 2341 1414      E-mail info@bycpa.com

Shenzhen Office   TEL +86 (0755) 82684480 82684483 82684484 FAX +86 (0755) 82684481
Shanghai Office   TEL +86 (021) 64394114 64399276 FAX +86 (021) 64394414
Beijing Office   TEL +86 (010) 68748420 68748422    FAX +86 (010) 68748421  
