New Guidelines for Use of Restricted Company Names in the BVI -- Singapore Company -- kaizen
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New Guidelines for Use of Restricted Company Names in the BVI

New Guidelines for Use of Restricted Company Names in the BVI

The BVI Financial Services Commission (FSC) recently issued the BVI Business Companies (Restricted Company Names) Notice, 2011 ("the Notice").  This Notice outlines in the Schedule (attached) a list of names and phrases (including abbreviations) which are specified as restricted names and for the use of which the consent or approval of the FSC is imperative before a company of which they form a part can be registered by the Registrar.  Any word or phrase that is a derivative or a cognate term of the specified words or phrases or that is descriptive of a restricted name is, notwithstanding its absence from the Schedule, equally restricted and the consent or approval of the FSC is required in that regard as well.  This will include the use of singular and plural words or phrases so long as either is specified in the Schedule.  The restriction in registration applies in relation to incorporations, continuations, change of name, mergers and consolidations. 

Click the below links to view the original text:

BVI Business Companies (Restricted Company Names) Notice 2011

Guidelines in Relation to use of Restricted Company Names (October 4 2011)

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