Please be noted that the taxpayer, whose income is more than RMB120,000 for the year ended 31 December 2010, shall declare individual income tax (IIT) during the period from 1 January to 31 March 2011 in accordance with the PRC Laws on Individual Income Tax and its implementation rules, the Notice on the Self-declaration of Individual Income Tax.
The taxpayer whose income is more than RMB120,000 in 2010, is required to declare individual income tax no matter the tax amount for those income received has been settled or not. This requirement, however, is not applied to the individual who is not domiciled and resides for less than one year in the PRC during a fiscal year.
The income mentioned here refers to total income received from following sources during the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010: 1. Income from wages and salaries 2. Income from production or business operation derived by individual industrial and commercial households 3. Income from contracted or leased operation of enterprises or institutions 4. Income from remuneration for personal service 5. Income from author’s remuneration 6. Income from royalties 7. Income from interest, dividends and bonuses 8. Income from lease of property 9. Income from transfer of property 10. Contingent income 11. Other income specified as taxable by the finance department of the State Council
As the filing deadline is approaching very soon, this Notice serves as the final call to remind you to file the declaration as soon as possible if your total income during the year is RMB120,000 or more and if you have not yet done so.
Should you have any questions regarding the content of the Notice and need assistances, please feel free to contact us.